Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hubble Kaleidoscope

Turns out, when a piece of javascript runs very slow and everything I try to speed it up has no real effect, a previously fun project pretty quickly turns tedious. In this case, the culprit was slow drawing code, which in an animation gets called pretty often. Since it's the drawing that's the interesting bit here, there really wasn't much I could do. I decreased the number of calls to drawImage() by making the strips run horizontal instead of vertical, and then decreased the number of transformations the canvas undergoes by once again increasing the number of calls to drawImage(). In the end, I ended up using the drawImage() function to reflect the wedge I copy from the source image. Originally, I had used a scale transform on the canvas to do the reflection, but I suspect it's a bit faster this way.

At any rate, after a long week of tedium and end-of-term homework, the Hubble Kaleidoscope is finished. It runs really quite slow, and does its best to light my computer's processor on fire, so I've decided not to embed it into this blog post. It was getting to be quite tedious to make sure every variable I used had a different name for every blog post anyway. Be wary, javascript will certainly try to kill your computer, and if that doesn't work, it will try to hypnotize you into total obedience.

Here is the actual webpage with the Kaleidoscope on it.
Here is the source code (at pastebin.com).
And here is a neat image to try the damn thing out with.

Next time I have free time, I think I will play around with the <audio> tag, and see if I have any better luck than when I first tried to add sound to the box killer game thing.

1 comment:

  1. Please, is there a way to use this as a moving Wallpaper picture ?

    I have plenty of pictures I'd like to use for it.
    My MacBook has 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 and is running OS X 10.9.4 .

    I love this.
    Thanks for sharing.
