Over the last few weeks I've been working, rather sporadically, on something that I thought would be a neat, easy and fun way to get me fiddling with the <audio> HTML5 tag. A sort of tone matrix clone with a bit of a twist.
In the implementation linked above, a user clicks on squares to toggle them on and off. At regular intervals, the script looks at the next column within the grid and plays whatever tones are associated with each of the squares currently marked as being on. By making a pattern, the user specified a melody to be played.
I thought it would be neat if the pattern a user inputs into the grid could be further manipulated. Specifically, I wanted to be able to rotate and translate the pattern. This shouldn't really be very hard.
Indeed, the math you need to move some points around is not very complicated. I even thought about throwing in the ability to scale the pattern, but figured that wasn't as interesting. The hard part was making controls for these transformations.
Since one of the cooler points of HTML5 is its ability to run on certain mobile devices, I thought that it was pretty important that the controls be such that a keyboard is not required. The obvious way to do so is to make a bunch of clickable buttons, each of which controls some particular transformation direction. So, in order to move the pattern in two dimensions and rotate it both directions, I would need six buttons. At that point, they'd have to be quite small to fit in the canvas, and it would probably fairly difficult to click a particular one using a finger. I thought I could do better.
A pretty natural angular control scheme, which a lot of sounds systems out there already use, is a dial wheel. This eliminates two of the buttons, which means it can be bigger, and therefore easier to control. Similarly, instead of glorified on-screen arrow keys, I chose to make a sort of joystick. I believe each of these is more natural to use with a finger than an on-screen keyboard equivalent. Since I do not have an iPad, or an iPhone, or any sort of touch-screen mobile device, I haven't been able to properly test this way of controlling things with a touch screen, but sticking my finger on the screen and making "whoosh" sounds as I rub it around makes me think it should be pretty intuitive and convenient.
Here, then, is a screenshot that is also a link that takes you to a page where you can play around with the controls.
Unfortunately, the difficulties of implementing this control scheme, which are mostly to do with atan(x) being a double-valued function and me being an idiot, I haven't yet gotten to the part that makes this whole idea cool or useful: the audio. Sometime soon, however, I hope to get some sweet tunes out of this thing.
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